Masa Nagasaki (CEO), Mac Kanazawa (Director General, Satellite Launch Services), Takahashi (Manager, Marketing) and Hara (Public Relations) will be at this forum.
Besides Mac will give the presentations for each two workshops on the 26th and 27th.
If you would like to schedule the meetings, please contact info@space-bd.com
*Space Environmental Utilization Working Group
-Date: Tuesday November 26
-Time: 2:15-2:30pm
-Topic: Commercialization of the “Access to Space” Using Japanese Platform, ISS Kibo and Others.
*Space Technology Working Group
-Date: Wednesday November 27 for STWG
-Time: 9:30-9:50am
-Topic: Commercialization of the “Access to Space” Using Japanese Platform, ISS Kibo and Others.
-Booth #: G-3
-URL: http://www.aprsaf.org/